February 22, 2025

Belgian cannonball dive set a new record with 298 participants

Belgian cannonball dive set a new record with 298 participants

To set a Guinness World Record for the largest cannonball splash ever, hundreds of swimmers plunged into a pool in Belgium (GWR).

345 people queued up along a 164-foot Olympic pool at an aquatic facility to attempt the plunge, according to GWR.

A cannonball attempt is when someone jumps into the pool as high as they can while gripping their knees to make a cannonball-like impact with the water.

Officials from Guinness discovered 298 individuals who successfully executed a cannonball jump, setting a new record-breaking splash. The previous record, which was achieved by 232 people, was established in New Zealand in 2013.

According to the organization, a proper effort requires both hands to be gripped around the knees and the knees to be raised up toward the chest.

According to GWR, swimmers had to maintain their position “even when hitting the water.”

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